Jennifer Hudson’s Family Members Murderer gets 3Life Sentencés

of R&B singer Jennifer Hudson — will spend the rest of his life behind bars after an
Illinois judge sentenced him to THREE CONSECUTIVE LIFE SENTENCES in prison.
Balfour, Hudson’s former brother in law, was convicted on May 11th of 1st degree
murder in the tragic shooting deaths of Jennifer’s mother Darnell Donerson, her
brother Jason Hudson, and her 7-year-old nephew Julian King in October 2008. He
was also convicted of home invasion and residential burglary.
Jennifer Hudson was present in the courtroom for Balfour’s sentencing. During the
hearing, Judge Charles Burns looked Balfour in the eyes, and told him, “Your soul
is as barren as dark space.”
Balfour, who reportedly looked on without expression as Burns read the sentence,
made a brief statement to the courtroom.
“My condolences go out to the family,” Balfour said, with Jennifer Hudson and other
members of her family were present in the courtroom. “My deepest sympathies go to
Julian King. I loved him. I still love him.”
At the time of the murders, Balfour was estranged from Jennifer Hudson’s sister Julia,
who was Julian’s mother.
Prosecutors believed Balfour shot and killed the family members — and kidnapped
and also murdered Julian — in a jealous rage because he thought Julia had received a
gift from her new boyfriend.
Unsurprisingly, the judge was NOT impressed with Balfour’s statement to the court.
“The fact that you can stand in court and tell us you love that child is an insult to all of
us,” Judge Burns said. “There’s no doubt in my mind he looked up to you as you were
putting bullets into his head,” Burns added, with his voice shaking. “I just hope his
terror was short-lived.”
According to the Chicago Tribune, Judge Burns added 120 years onto the three
consecutive life sentences for the additional felonies of home invasion and aggravated
Unfortunately for Balfour, Illinois does not have the death penalty … which would have
most definitely been a less harsh punishment than what he got.
Do you think William Balfour got what he deserved?::::
he deserves much more than he got..