Working night shifts: A likely cause of stroke and heart diseases

:According to the British Medical Journals
(BMJ), studies have shown that working
night shifts or any other odd hour shift
other than a regular day schedule may
increase chances of suffering a heart
attack or a stroke within the first 10-15
years employment.
According to data evidence, there are
indications of increased incidence of heart
attack and stroke in people working odd hours,
rotating and night shifts.
Exact mechanism which leads to increase risk
for heart attack and stroke is likely related to
disruption of sleep-wake cycles or the body
natural circadian rhythm ultimately linked to a
disruption in the morning cortisol rise.
Shift workers are also more likely to eat an
unhealthy diet high in carbohydrate and fats or
smoke to compensate for their lack of sleep or
even a high intake of coffee. In addition shift
workers often don’t get enough exercise due to
fatigue and low energy levels.
Hence shift workers are advised to go for
constant checkups to know their risk, and have
your doctor focus on your blood pressure,
cholesterol, waist circumference, waist to hip
ratio and fasting blood sugar which reflects your
risk for diabetes.
1. Quit smoking.
2. Take breaks at work, meditate and take deep
breathing exercises.
3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
4. Exercise aerobically 30mins-1hour daily.
5. Sleep in a cool, dark room if you must work
the night shift.::
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