Download Trending Music: @TusleemPisces Ft. Dagrin - #BreakThrough
After he dropped his tribute to Dagrin single titled "AS U DIE" where he
bounced on the original "IF I DIE" Instrumental produced by Frenzy
& Several other singles like "Undiluted" & "Dance In The Rain"
(2Face Cover). Tusleem Pisces has been back in the studio making good
music, plus several other songs he featured on. Here he is again with
another Rap single for the street, a song meant to be recorded fully by
Dagrin before he passed on. Surprisingly Tusleem Pisces seems to be the
best to complete the unfinish business by the late king of indigenous
Rap. He calls this one "BreakThrough", Produced by Sola Olukiran
(Blackbridge). You need to listen to this yourself.
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